Third Generation (third son to Chen Tian Lai)(1905 – 1945 年)
Born in 1905, Chen Qingpo died in 1945 at the age of 40. He and Xu Fengyin had one daughter and two sons (second son Chan Shau Chi). His Japanese name is Tagawa Kiyomi.
He studied Sinology at an early age. After graduating from Taiping Public School, he enrolled in Taiwan Commercial and Industrial School in 1919. He studied Malay and Beijing dialects. Later, he transferred to Xiamen Middle School where he graduated in 1924.
His outgoing and lively personality, good communication skills and enthusiasm for public welfare, led to the establishment of “First Theater” and “Yongle Zuo” His hobbies were horse riding, poetry and reading.
In 1939, after the death of Mr. Chen Tian Lai, he served as the head of Gen Kee Tea House Company. According to interviews with Chen Qingpo’s descendants, after Gen Kee Tea House Company ended its business in Southeast Asia. Later started tea business with Manchuria. In the prefecture, due to the friendly relationship between Chen Qingpo and the Japanese, the tea company was able to obtain a higher tea export quota than other tea merchants during the Japanese occupation.
- 大正八年(1919 年)自大稻埕公學校畢業。
- 大正十三年(1924 年)於廈門中華中學畢業,經營錦記茶行。
- 大正十五年(1926 年)擔任錦記茶行常務董事,數次往返爪哇。
- 昭和二年(1927 年)擔任大稻埕第一聯合壯丁團長、大稻埕青年團長等。
- 昭和五年(1930 年)擔任台北衛生組合副組合長等。
- 昭和六年(1931 年)擔任鴉片指定銷售人,鴉片、煙膏指定中盤商。
- 昭和七年(1932 年)擔任錦記製茶株式會社常務董事、台北勸業信用利用組合長等。
- 昭和八年(1933 年)擔任北區友愛會理事、臺北商工協會長等。
- 昭和九年(1934 年)擔任臺北市協議會員等。
- 昭和十年(1935 年)擔任臺灣地方制度改正促進會委員長、臺灣經濟外交 會會長、北區陳姓宗親會長、第一劇場株式會社長、港町區長、臺北市會 議員等,並創立錦益茶行。
- 昭和十一年(1936 年)擔任臺北茶商公會評議員、臺北市北地區防衛團副 團長。
- 昭和十二年(1937 年)擔任三共商事株式會社長、台北州會議員等。
- 昭和十四年(1939 年)擔任錦記製茶株式會社社長。
- 昭和十五年(1940 年)擔任臺灣輸出振興株式會社社長(茶箱等容器製造販賣)。